Bits and Bobs… An Ilson Miscellany

Bits and Bobs… An Ilson Miscellany

If you don’t have access to Facebook you won’t be aware of the large number of posts on various topics which appeared during the Covid lockdowns. Grant Shaw made one a day for over four months, with some new material but also extracts from Heralds and Newsletters going back over 50 years and there were many other valuable and interesting contributions.

As we now have over 3000 followers on social media, this provoked a good debate and kept members interested during our enforced isolation. Ann Featherstone (like Grant, a former Newsletter Editor) was one of the main contributors and she suggested that we make a book from these many articles. This is what we have done with this 78-page publication called An Ilson Miscellany which has been printed by Moorley’s in their usual efficient manner and now is available for purchase through the usual channels price only £6 (plus p&p if applicable).

We hope those who are not part of our Social Media will find this book interesting as it contains such a wide range of local history related topics. Those who are members of our Facebook group should also find it a good buy — and an ideal Christmas stocking filler.

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